"Never Say Die" . . . Living with Lung Cancer

A chronicle of my journey with lung cancer. I'll share what I feel and learn along the way ~ hoping it will help my fellow travelers make their way down this rocky road that no one wants to take.

Friday, November 03, 2006

Post Script . . . Good News and Not So Good News

Well, guys, I thought I should get back with you today because I talked with my doctor on the telephone a couple of hours ago. The wonderful news is that the MRI of my brain was negative ~ that means there is no metastasis, not that I HAVE no brain! ; ) However, it seems that the fluid which the surgeon aspirated from the mass in my liver did contain cancer cells. That's a bummer, but, it's all relative. I would sooner have had that news than find I have cancer in my brain.

Dr. Mehrotra is confident that my chemo treatments will take care of the small mass in my liver. She said we'll just go ahead as planned and that I'm getting the very best chemo regimen, even considering this new turn of events. She seemed quite positive and I am too.

Surprisingly, as uplifted as I was by the news of only having a cyst in my liver, I haven't become depressed by the discovery that that isn't the case after all. It's simply one more little bump in the road toward recovery. : ) I'm not about to let it throw me.

I'm off to curl up in front of the fire as I told you I planned to do. However, the snow has stopped falling and what we received this morning has all melted. It doesn't matter though because it's still very cold and a good day to enjoy the warmth and comfort of snuggling in an afghan and watching the flames of the fire dance here and there.

Until next time . . . Don't sweat the small stuff and, remember, it's all small stuff!


  • At 11/05/2006, Blogger OIMS said…

    Hi Linda!

    You have truly got to be one of the strongest and bravest and faithful people I have ever encountered! Your strength is so uplifting it's amazing!

    You know I'm thinking about you!

    All the best,

  • At 11/16/2006, Blogger Linda said…

    Hi Theresa,

    That's quite a compliment coming from someone who has been through as much as you have been the past couple of years. I'd say you showed mountains of strength and bravery too.

    Thanks for your thoughts ~ they mean the world to me.

    Blessings . . .


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