"Never Say Die" . . . Living with Lung Cancer

A chronicle of my journey with lung cancer. I'll share what I feel and learn along the way ~ hoping it will help my fellow travelers make their way down this rocky road that no one wants to take.

Monday, December 18, 2006

Life is Good . . .

Sorry I haven't made an entry in so long, guys. There's nothing wrong ~ I'm doing fine ~ I've just been involved in some things that have kept me away from the computer. I'm knitting on a Christmas project and reading a great book, Dave and I have been spending more time together and my family is keeping me busy with all of their great ministrations. : )

A week and a half ago, I did all my Christmas shopping online. Since I'm not supposed to be in crowds of people, this was a Godsend. I found everything I needed and most at reduced prices. Best of all, I got it all done in a couple of hours. I kinda miss the hustle and bustle of the stores but I know that I'd be tired of that in about an hour anyway. LOL

I've never had to be so conscious of germs in my life! It's kind of maddening! I can't pet my dogs without using hand sanitizer afterward! It tends to make you very paranoid of everything. My oncologist told me to stay away from kids which is hard to do with Christmas coming and three grandchildren in the area. However, when I told her their ages, she said they aren't as germy as the little ones. I'm just hoping none of them get sick before Christmas!

Speaking of my oncologist, I had an appointment with her last week. She said that my body is recovering well from the chemo treatments and that she's very pleased. She asked about the side effects I'm having and I told her the only significant one is the bone pain. She said she's going to reduce the dosage of one of the drugs. I wasn't sure I wanted that and told her I would rather experience the bone pain than have the chemo work less effectively. She said it would be fine at a lower dosage and that she had been "pushing the envelope" a little with the present dosage. We'll see how it goes now.

After my treatment on Thursday, they will be scheduling a CT scan to see what effect the chemo has had so far on the tumors. Hopefully, the scan will show that the tumors have gotten smaller. I need all of your prayers and positive thoughts. I know I'm going to sitting on pins and needles waiting for the results. ; ) It's hard to believe that I'll be halfway through this course of chemo after this treatment ~ the time has passed so quickly!

It's so funny ~ the little bit of hair I have left on my head is growing! Can you believe that?? In fact, it's about time for a haircut! LOL The steroid cream has cleared up the red blotches and the itching on my scalp so I'm about ready to try hats and my wig again. When I've gone out recently, I've just worn a baseball cap and that isn't any too warm for this climate. But, hopefully, my little alien head has toughened up some and will be able to tolerate a little more covering.

I've been having trouble with insomnia but my doctor finally found some sleep medication that helps. Now I'm not up half the night! That's really a relief. Plus, my mom gave me a feather bed to put on top of my mattress and it's soooo comfy! It feels wonderful to crawl in bed at night with all the softness around me. I feel like a princess! I'm sure that's helped me sleep better too.

Even though I haven't been able to attend mass, Edith, who is an Eucharistic Minister in our parish, comes every Friday to give me communion. She has a beautiful way of presenting the sacrament and it's very inspirational. So my spiritual needs are being well taken care of. I look forward to Edith's visit each week. It's a time for reflection and renewal ~ I know it gives me greater strength and peace of mind. It's great that there are people like Edith who take the time to make sure shut-ins are still able to partake of Holy Communion and strengthen their bonds with God.

Now that I can have anything I want to eat, I'm enjoying things I haven't had in years! Dave brought me some Almond Joy and Mounds bars last night. They taste so good! I feel like a kid in a candy store! I guess there are some advantages to be being sick ~ I get to eat candy, ice cream, and shakes and my doctor doesn't want me to lose weight! Neither do I ever get a lecture about fat and cholesterol. All I have to worry about is eating a high protein, high calorie diet. That's a switch, isn't it?

I've had a few down moments since I was last here but they really didn't amount to much. It's hard to stay down when you have as much loving support as I have. I don't think a day goes by when someone doesn't do something exceptionally kind for me. So, once again, I want to emphasize how wonderful people are when they know they're needed. We all need to be surrounded by love and caring, so, no matter what your situation, don't be afraid to ask for a helping hand and don't forget to be grateful when it's offered.

Until next time . . . Surround yourself with love.


  • At 12/19/2006, Blogger Peg Bastin said…

    Hi Linda,

    I am sooo glad you are doing well. I always worry when I don't hear from you in a while. Guess we'd better keep up the positive thoughts and prayers.

    Sounds like you've got all the comforts of home, shopping, church, special diet, plenty of company. And now hair! LOL

    Seriously, glad you're doing as well as you are. Take care and have a great Christmas if we don't
    hear from you before.


  • At 12/20/2006, Blogger Linda said…

    Hi Peg,

    I'm sorry to cause alarm when I don't write. I have to be more consistent so you guys don't worry.

    I hope you had a good visit with your folks.

    Believe me, the little amount of hair I have wouldn't make a good hairpiece for a mouse, but it is growing! LOL

    I got your Christmas card ~ thanks so much and I value our friendship too!

    By all means keep those prayers coming! I need my special angels!

    Blessings . . .


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