"Never Say Die" . . . Living with Lung Cancer

A chronicle of my journey with lung cancer. I'll share what I feel and learn along the way ~ hoping it will help my fellow travelers make their way down this rocky road that no one wants to take.

Monday, January 01, 2007

On the First Day of 2007 . . .

Happy New Year to you all!

The start of the New Year always brings with it new goals, new hopes and an optimism that we won't make the same mistakes we made during the previous year. We have a fresh, clean slate on which to write wonderful new accomplishments and adventures. Most of us make lofty resolutions that we're going to lose weight, exercise more, stop smoking, work harder, or improve in some area of our lives. Unfortunately, we usually bite off more than we can chew and, by February, most of our good intentions have fallen by the wayside.

This is the perfect time to take a long hard look at our priorities and decide what is most important to us. Are we satisfied with the lives we've created? What kind of life do we really want? What kind of changes to we have to make to find greater satisfaction and fulfillment?

Do you think my priorities have changed since January 1, 2006? You bet they have! The challenges I faced a year ago are nothing compared to those I'm confronting now. Reading over the goals I set for myself last year at this time, I find them trivial, even shallow. I now see that most of them had nothing to do with making my life better or happier. Most of them were about increasing numbers . . . not about finding true satisfaction in the way I lived my life. The only exception to that was a self-improvement course I took and stuck with until I got sick.

The only numbers that are important to me today are the hours I spend with people I love, the quantity of laughter that fills my day, and my latest blood counts. Most of the things I considered to be important last year are totally insignificant today. At the top of my priority list this year are relationships . . . God, my family, my friends, my medical team. I no longer worry about how much I weigh or how many clients I have. Instead of pushing myself to meet a publication schedule, my frame of reference revolves around my next chemo treatment. Instead of putting in 16 hour days, I rest when my body tells me to ~ which can be quite often. ; )

And you want to know something amazing? I find myself much happier than I was a year ago. Yes, I'm battling a horrific disease and we don't know what the outcome of that will be. Sometimes I'm afraid. I have toxic chemicals running loose in my body that frequently cause pain and mental confusion. But, no life is without its potholes. The important thing is that I'm nestled in a cocoon of love and caring. That brings contentment and joy I can't even begin to express. My life is filled with much, much more peace than fear, a lot more sunshine than rain, and a serenity that is many times stronger than the occasional bout of anxiety.

Some of you comment that I'm very strong, but, I'm only as strong as my support group. I've been blessed with people who care about me and who cheer me on in fighting this disease. That's the greatest gift of all. The love and concern I receive every day is enough to humble even the most arrogant of people. My heart overflows with gratitude.

So, yes, I have cancer but . . . its given me the opportunity to slow down and really appreciate those who are in my life, bask in their love and find joy in every single day. Of course, I would have rather learned this lesson another way but, we have to play the hand we're dealt.

I want to thank all of you who make my days so special with your emails, cards, gifts, phone calls, comments in this blog and all the other 101 things you do to show you care. I couldn't fight this fight without you.
I hope that each of you is given back even a fraction of the kindness you show to me ~ that alone would be enough to change your life.

In 2007, I hope you experience joy and satisfaction, good health and peace.

Until next time . . . Create the life you want.


  • At 1/02/2007, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Happy New Year back to you. May this year be so ever kind and peaceful to you.

    As always, you are in my prayers.

    Take Care

  • At 1/02/2007, Blogger Linda said…

    Hi Elaine,

    I tried to call you last night but missed again. ;) I hope you were out having some fun and not working.

    Thanks for keeping up with my tales.

    Blessings . . .

  • At 1/02/2007, Blogger Linda said…

    Hi Doneta,

    I'm so sorry to hear about Mike's injury. I know exactly how you're feeling since, if you recall, Dave shattered his hip and broke his leg two years ago. Not having the complication of diabetes, he was home from the hospital in about 5 weeks.

    I'm sure you have been lonely and depressed ~ that kind of stuff just upsets your whole world. I hope Mike will be home with you soon and you can start the long road back to normal.

    I'll be thinking of you and Mike and including you in my prayers. Hopefully, 2007 will be a happier year for all of us.

    Blessings . . .

  • At 1/05/2007, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Happy New Year, Linda. Sounds as if your holidays went well even if there was no snow. Weird weather everywhere....I'm reading how warm it is in much of the east while we are having record-breaking wind and rain storms. The last one left us without power for days as a huge oak tree was uprooted and blown over right at a busy intersection. Downed tree were everywhere - some areas were out for over a week. It was kind of an adventure, but an unexpected one as usually big cities don't get so blown away (so to speak) by storms.
    Other than that, holidays were quiet but very warm and cozy. Christmas was at our place for my eldest and his wife and us and I managed to plan a meal that required little attention at the end so I was able to hang out and visit, etc. We have an outstanding tree which I'm not yet ready to let go of, but I can already see that the days are getting longer, and sooner or later it will have to go.
    I enjoy reading your blog and continue to keep you in my thoughts. Judy W.

  • At 1/14/2007, Blogger Linda said…

    Hi Judy,

    Despite all the lack of cooperation from the weather, it sounds like you had a lovely Christmas anyway.

    It is hard to let go of a special tree and I hope you took lots of photos of it so you'll always remember it.

    Have a wonderful year, Judy.

    Blessings . . .


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