Fighting to stay positive . . .
I guess the hardest thing is feeling like such a useless individual right now. I have little to give to those who are showering me with such love and concern. This extreme exhaustion is preventing me from being the active, productive person that I want to be. I don't know how much of it is due to physical causes and how much to psychological causes. All I know is that I'm tired all the time and can fall asleep anywhere at anytime. I hate it! I'm used to a busy schedule and this "couch potato" stuff is getting to me! This is not how I want to live.
This morning before I got out of bed, I decided that I'm not going to allow this disease to keep me from doing the things I want and need to do. I realize that I may have to move at a slower pace but I will accomplish things! If I don't, I may as well be dead already. I have a life to live and I'm going to live it. I know I'll have to include more rest periods but I can deal with that as long as I can feel productive again. Things are falling into a state of chaos around here and that isn't going to continue. I have work to do and I'm going to do it!
Little things are bugging me like the state of my office. It's a mess! I have piles of things all over the place ~ things that I've allowed to collect over the last three weeks. I have to get busy and take care of this stuff, do what is required and add a sense of accomplishment to my days. I think my body has given in to cancer and I won't allow that to continue.
Our laundry has grown to mountainous proportions ~ it's time to do something about that too. I know I'll feel better just knowing that I'm taking action. In the past couple of weeks, I've spent hours and hours playing computer games because they keep me from thinking about what's happening to my body. That can't be healthy. It's time to start living my life again. If I'm nothing but as lump on the couch or a body in front of the computer screen, what good am I?
I've let so many things slide and it's affecting how I feel about myself in a negative way. I realize I have to adjust my thinking about how much I can accomplish at one time, but even if it's only one or two things each day, it's better than what I'm doing now. I will not let cancer run my life. I'm taking back that control.
One of my friends sent me a candle ceremony that she says has gotten her through dark times. I'm going to share it with you in the same words it was sent to me. Maybe it will help you too.
"I believe in Candle Power - this is how it works.
Candles may be of any type or size. The main purpose of candle burning is that it enables you to concentrate on what you are doing, or what you are trying to obtain. It is symbolic. A candle is a form of burning of the old, making something go away or to have something come to you.
The smoke is symbolic of carrying the message, in the form of thoughts or words to a higher power or being, maybe your God.
One of the important things to remember in candle burning ceremonies is to do this in a quite area. A space away from noise or distraction. The time is important – I prefer at night, usually after a bath or shower, just before I go to bed. You will want to leave your candles in the same place and keep them undisturbed.
Now for the color of the candles to use. I use RED, because it symbolizes Strength, Health, Vigor, and Love. You can also use WHITE, it symbolizes Purity, Truth, Sincerity. Or you can
use a mixture of colors, depending on what you would like to attain or be relieved of.
Light Blue: Tranquility, Understanding, Patience, Health
Dark Blue: Impulsiveness, Depression, Changeability
Green: Finance, Fertility, Luck
Gold/Yellow: Attraction, Persuasion, Charm, Confidence
Brown: Hesitation, Uncertainty, Neutrality
Pink: Honor, Love, Morality
Black: (do not use)
Purple: Tension, Ambition, Business Progress, Power
Silver/Gray: Cancellation, Neutrality, Stalemate
Orange: Encouragement, Adaptability, Stimulation, Attraction
Greenish Yellow: Sickness, Cowardice, Anger, Jealousy, Discord
If you are trying to overcome Illness you might want to use a “Light Blue” candle. If you are trying to overcome Financial problems use a “Green” candle in the mix as well.
I believe that we must give of ourselves to a higher power. For only a higher power can truly help us in this physical life.
I have a desk in my bedroom and I have 5 candles on a tray (mine is round – yours can be anything, or any shape. I use each candle for a specific purpose:
1. “Health”
2. To take away “Fear”
3. To take away “Self Doubt”
4. “Truth” – “Light”
5. “Power”
You can use your own affirmations. You can say whatever you want. It does not have to be the same dialog all the time. You can change it as your life starts to change. For example, when the “Fear” left me, I then used this candle to thank God for releasing me from the fear that was paralyzing me and keeping me from moving forward. All of my Stomach problems were connected to FEAR – since I have released the “Fear” from my body, I no longer suffer from Acid Reflux, Heartburn, Indigestion, etc. I think since mid January (2004) I have taken only 2 Zantac’s because I thought I was going to get heartburn (my usual was 2 a day). I have eaten Pizza, Spaghetti, Hot Dogs, and several things that I have not been able to eat for a very long time. I had Acid Reflux so bad that I would have to sleep straight up in a chair all night and the pain was so intense that I was not sure that I was not having a heart attack. I would get heartburn from a glass of ice water. But, since the fear has been taken away from me so have all of my stomach problems. My fear was of the unknown, fear that I could not handle what was coming, fear that it was going to turn out bad, fear that I was not good enough, fear that I was not capable of doing…….fear, fear, fear.
Remember that:…. The mental thought patterns that cause the most disease in the body are CRITICISM, ANGER, RESENTMENT and GUILT. For instance, criticism indulged in long enough will often lead to diseases such as arthritis. Anger turns into things that boil and burn and infect the body. Resentment long held festers and eats away at the self and ultimately can lead to tumors and cancer. Guilt always seeks punishment and leads to pain.
HEALTH: I use this candle to cleanse my body of all illness. Take away pain, take away symptoms, etc. I asked God to cleanse my body, mind and soul of all ill thoughts and illness. To heal _ _ _ whatever your health issue is. I had other things, physical things happen after my stomach problems cleared up, and I ask for help in curing that also and it worked.
FEAR: We have already discussed this one. However, I would like to share that after a week I felt like a great weight was lifted from my shoulders. I was happier and felt more at peace than I have in a long time. I knew that I was not going to fear anything – that I would be able to face what was to come without fear.
SELF DOUBT: I think this goes hand and hand with fear. I was so paralyzed by the fear of the unknown and so much Self Doubt that I could not think clearly or move forward. I needed to believe in myself again. I needed to feel self-assured again, confidence, empowerment, etc.
TRUTH / LIGHT: This was so amazing to me. A situation came up that I had questioned, I did not know what I was supposed to do – I was not sure that what I was facing was the truth or if I was being conned. I asked for Truth and to Light the way for me to know the truth, to take all obstacles away. Within 3 days, the truth was made known in a very distinctive way – there was no mistake about the truth of the situation. I also use this candle to show me that there is Light at the end of the tunnel and to lead me in the right direction.
POWER/STRENGTH: This is to give me the power to do the right thing, move forward without fear. Take away my procrastination (which I have been so good at lately) and help me move forward. Give me strength of Body and Mind.
As I light each candle I re-affirm what the candle represents. I say two prayers ( this is for each person to determine what they would like to do here) or just clear your mind of all thoughts from the day. That’s why after a shower and before bed is a good time for this. I sit silently and concentrate on what I want to obtain from this. Sometimes I will hold my hands over and near the flames – just close enough to feel the heat. It gives me a warm feeling inside as well. After all the candles are lit, I focus on each one and say my “affirmation” for that candle. “Please give me the strength and power to do what I need to do……..”
After I have affirmed each candle and it’s purpose I blow out the flame (one at a time) and mentally picture the smoke, from the flame, taking away the illness, fear, self doubt, etc., from each candle. When all the flames are extinguished I say a closing prayer and repeat the process the next night. If you miss a night – that’s okay. But I have come to look forward to this time of meditation and understanding.
Once you rid yourself of a particular feeling, such as fear, use that candle to thank your Higher Power for releasing you from this burden. As each illness is cured or gone – take the time to thank God for healing you.
Good luck – I hope this works as well for you as it has for me. I hope it will continue to work for me and bring me to a happier place in my life. "
I know from my own experiences that affirmation, visualization and meditation can work wonders. This candle ceremony combines them all and I'm hopeful that it will be as powerful for you and me as it is for my friend.
Until next time . . . Believe in the power of your own mind.